Tom Demko Tech Blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bad Breaker! Bad Breaker! Bad! Bad!

It was after all an ordinary day. "I reset the breaker, but it made a big bang!...Really big bang!"

Well, don't play with it. The immediate cause, a twist-lock plug/receptacle worn enough to insert different voltage/configuration plug into (with a bit of force probably) providing a nice, low impedance ground fault.

I felt the breaker doesn't reset properly: I opted to replace it. What's wrong with this picture?

The picture resolution is too low to see. All the breakers are 22kA (pix taken after repair) So how did a stab-in breaker with an IR of 10kA find its way into this panel? I'd like to believe a licensed electrician didn't have the proper rating on his truck, and was going to replace it with the correct one.

"Was going to" didn't happen. The reality is someone who wasn't qualified to wipe my boots after walking through a swamp of shit lugged a breaker into a panel inside a shopping mall. And I thought that stuff only happened in the third world...